martes, 19 de enero de 2016


In this blog, students publish all the activities and events that they want. They are organized in groups of 5 people, and each group control a different subject each week  .They collect the activities that are more attractive for them. Furthermore, they upload summaries, images videos... according with the topics. In addition, they can explain the extra-scholar activities that they have done, for example, a visit to Alhambra. They explain their experience and also they will upload pictures about the trip. In this way, parents will be informed about the activities and things that their children do in the school by their children’s writings and pictures. (The activities exposed in the website by the teachers, will be developed in this blog by students)

It is a blog class used to develop as a  digital newspaper and all students have a very important responsibility. Children are in complete contact with technologies and they have to be able of searching information on internet (videos, images, additional information in addition to their text books…). They have to use different skills as digital skills and they have to work in a cooperative way.  

 For doing this project, every Friday during one academic year, they will have 1 hour and a half per week approximately to do the necessary in the blog, and they will use computers available in classroom. Each group will be working a subject, so, at the end of the year, they will have worked a lot of things about their subjects in technological way.

sábado, 9 de enero de 2016

Periodistic texts GROUP 1

As we are worked with a digital newspaper we also have to know the different part of periodistic texts, so in class we have learnt the types, functions, elements... and the teacher has given us a very interesting activity, it is:
 By group of 5we have looked for a very relevant event that we have found interesting. When we have choosen our news, we have analyzed the text with the information that the teacher has given us. We are very surprised with the news that we have found, because it is about a woman who was examined of the drive licence and she and her examinator fell down to the sea by a pier!! 

All the information of this news is completed in our report that we have handed over the teacher.

We think that this activity is very interestinf because we discover new news that we could believe!!



We have learnt a lot about literaure, and as we know there are diverse genres: : lyric, epic  or narrative and dramatic or theatrical.
In this activity, we have done a performance. By groups of 5, we have created the script, the characters and settings. Furthermore, we have made your clothes and complements. The performance has lasted 10 minutes, and we have given it by writing to the teacher.
The topic of our performance has been about Muslism and the Alhambra, we have dressed with typical clothes of that epoque and we have represented a very little scene of the life that they used have there.
We have had a very good time because we like to do performance and interpret characters, also the rest of people in class has laughed a lot with us.